This response note will be worth TWO, so you should REALLY do it. Or you can skip it and it will be the two you can skip.
This response, worth two, means that you should write 400 words. The prompt can be found in your book on page 21. Answer FOUR of the questions IN DETAIL-- that means your answer should go beyond merely stating "yes" or "no" and should explain with elaboration and exposition.
Monday, May 26, 2014
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1. Have I focused on my topic? My topic is associated with analyzing the Publix Thanksgiving Salt and Pepper commercial ad and how effective the advertiser is in delivering tradition based content defined in the commercial. I focused on my topic by writing down an outline of the various ways you can analyze an ad that were provided by Professor Aparicio, such as links to websites, text book readings as well as my class notes regarding ethos, pathos, logos and kairos. Using this methodology I was able to ask questions about my topic, brainstorm different ideas that came to my mind, establish a cluster with branches related to those immediate ideas that I used to create my essay.
2. Does my thesis make a clear statement? My thesis states that the following techniques such as nostalgia, symbols, colors, animation, gender and race are effective when used to deliver tradition-based content in commercial ads. By generating ideas and information about the ad I was able to begin determining what the main idea regarding the point my essay would make. By doing this I believe it makes an assertion about the topic that can be analyzed. Since the thesis is specific, I was able to present information and support it in my essay. My thesis doesn’t simply state a fact. It allows others to challenge or oppose the statement.
3. Is the organization pattern I have used the best one, given my purpose? Using my class notes, websites and handouts provided by the professor developed the organizational pattern I used to analyze the various techniques the advertiser uses to effectively deliver tradition-based content to the consumer. By doing this it established the foundation for my essay where I was able to elaborate in greater detail regarding each technique defined and discussed within my essay. Examples of the various techniques I reviewed are ethos, pathos, logos, kairos, basic appeals, colors, symbols, animation, gender and race. I created an outline of each technique and then I wrote and introductory and conclusion and reviewed paragraphs that analyzed each technique and sequenced the paragraphs in between the introduction and conclusion paragraphs that created a flow from paragraph to paragraph.
7. Do I have a good title? Does it indicate what my subject is and hint at my thesis? I believe my title is a good title because I developed it from my thesis. By doing this I believe it defines the subject and confirms the statement that I made about how the techniques mentioned above are effective in delivering tradition-based content in commercial ads. It’s effective because it attracts the attention of the reader and prepares the reader about my approach within the essay. I brainstormed various titles and re-wrote them until I chose the final title that I believe explains the subject to the reader and invites the reader to want to continue reading the essay.
Before get to star writing a paper it is very important to understand the assignment, after that you will be ready to choose a topic. Also the topic have to be a topic that you are interested which. Read the first chapter of the book,taught me that to write an effective essay I have to put full attention of the process of writing.
1. Have I focused on my topic? yes,I feel that I focused on my topic, because I applied some of the questions words relate with a good topic as: "what, who, where, when, why, and how". Asking questions and getting the answers are essential way to understand a topic, before to explain to others. Asking question and get the answers about my topic helped me a lot to develop my writing about analyzing the ad. that I am working. After a choose a topic I did a list of things that I already know about my topic, for example: My topic is: "Negative influence of fast Food on children"
1. I know that fast food ads targeting children.
2. Children in general are more susceptible and get easily influenced by ads.
3. I collected all the resources that I deed to set my topic.
The way I started working on the analysis of the ad. The "Negative Influence of Fast Food on Children"
was using cluster. First I wrote my topic in the center of the paper and closed the circle. Then I wrote all the words that came to my mind related to my topic, in addiction to phrases, sentences, and ideas. I made small circles around, which helped me to organized this ad. and get more ideas for my topic. this strategies of cluster and brainstorm are very helpful to star writing a paper Additionally, my topic is supported by the use of various resources, many of which have been provided in the class and right through the readings of the book suggested for the professor, internet, web-sites and also I talk with many people about the ad I am doing an analysis, for questions, answers, ideas, which would help me to develop my essay on the analysis of the ad. that I choose. Another resource was the using of strategies as models of persuasion to convince readers. Ethos, pathos, logos, kairos, where the elements to archive my goal in convincing the readers of the analysis on my ad.
2.Does my thesis make a clear statement? Yes, because the thesis in my ad. express the main idea in the first two sentences and also is clear and specific. the way that I can prove that is because if I can answer the questions why and how on my thesis, I am making a clear statemented, and also thesis and the body are going together. As I read the paragraph a feel the thesis and the body are connect.
4.Does the topic sentences of each paragraph relate to my thesis? Yes. Each of one of the sentences started with a sentence relate directly with my thesis and also each one of the sentence support the topic sentences.
6. how effective are my beginning and ending? yes my beginning it is effective. I started with with a general statements in order to have a good beginning. I think my beginning is effective, because in the first paragraph sentences, the sentences hooks the readers into the writing analysis of the ad. In addition a think i have a good ending too, because in my ending i brought to the readers a summary of each of the points in my writing about the analysis of an ad and I provided a final perspective to my readers.In a short conclusion paragraph, I wrap the analysis essay ad.
1.Have I focused on my topic? My topic has to do with the commercial of Snickers. There was one in particular that caught my attention. It was the one with Betty White in it. For some reason it caught my eye because I was thinking of why would they actually put this actress/Millionaire on this commercial. After I thought about it for a while, I came to my conclusion and analyzed the ad perfectly. I actually spent a few hours looking over the ad over and over again to make sure I haven’t missed any crucial detail. Every time I noticed something new I wrote it down to remember it. I asked questions to myself like “how,why,what” to help me analyze it more deeply.
2.Does my thesis make a clear statement about my topic? “Snickers is appealing to the audience by selling the idea of becoming better when eaten, as well as raising your sense of social status.” This thesis clearly states what I will write about and what each paragraph will be about. It also helped me organize my essay by knowing what to put and what to write about in what order etc. Obviously my topic is about how snickers satisfies and how it’s a lie. My thesis explains how it appeals to the audience of becoming a better person and raising your thoughts about the millionaire Betty White by being in this ad.
5.Do I have enough supporting details, and are my examples the best ones that I can develop? After getting my essay peer reviewed and reviewed by Professor Aparicio, I noticed that I can have so much more supporting details. I missed some crucial parts that I forgot about and noticed that my essay can be much well written. The examples I wrote can be a little better. I don’t think I put too many examples so I may have to focus a little more on what I can write.
7.Do I have a good title? Does it indicate what my subject is and hint at my thesis? I think I have a good title for several reasons. Firstly, my title is “Snickers Satisfies.” If someone really thinks about it, they will ask these questions: “Snickers Satisfies?, How does it satisfy, Why does it satisfy?.” This is exactly what I wanted to do to the reader. I want them to ask these specific questions because when they start reading on, they will understand and realize that the title actually made a lot of sense.
-Andy Cuello
1. Have I focused on my topic? My topic is the way the ad portrays the dangers that lie in real life and virtual life in order to sell their product. I have explained the pathos used in the ad and explained the different appeals the company uses in order to connect with the audience they target. I explained the metaphor they have used “some windows are best left unopened” to real life and virtual life in this ad. The as is comparing the dangers to persuade the consumer to buy their product.
2. Does my Thesis make a clear statement about my topic? No my thesis is a bit vague and needs more development to be argumentative. My thesis has explained the ad and the metaphor used between real life and virtual life. I need to develop a stronger thesis that answers the so what question.
4. Does the Topic sentence of each paragraph relate to my thesis? Yes each of my topic sentence explains the analysis of my Thesis. My organization with my paragraphs and the flow of the essay need some work but overall my topic sentences relate to my thesis.
Does each paragraph support its topic sentence? Yes each paragraph had many examples of to support the topic sentence. For example one of my topic sentences was how the ad uses different appeals to entice the audience to promote their sales. I used the need to nurture appeal and explained how they used a child to reach out and target parents. I also used the appeal of needing to feel safe and that is where they used the metaphor to show how in real life and virtual life the safety concerns are the same.
6. How effective are my beginning and ending? My beginning is not that effective. I researched the history behind the company who did the ad and it somewhat shed some light off of my point. It was a bit confusing when I stated my thesis and didn’t flow. My ending was a lot better because I was able to summarize all of my points and tie them all together to my thesis.
Can I improve them? I can definitely improve my Beginning. I need to organize my introductory paragraph and develop a better thesis. I also need to work on my organization and have my sentences flow altogether as a whole. I also want to make my conclusion paragraph a bit more descriptive but I don’t want to overdo it and add things that don’t make sense.
1. Does my thesis make a clear statement about my topic?
I have chosen a Nutrisystem advertisement that promotes a meal delivery service which can help lose weight and get in shape. This type of product was usually targeted to females and perceived as a feminine product. In this advertisement they focus on the male audience and use several stereotypes that have defined the ideal figure of a man. My thesis states that this Nutrisystem ad captures men who want to lose weight without losing their manhood by using manly stereotyped language and sporty visual content. So yes, I strongly believe that the thesis creates a logical argument and answers the so what? Question that states my point of view, makes a statement and answers why I am make the statement.
2. Do I have enough supporting details, and are my examples the best ones that I can developed?
Yes, I analyse most of the details shown in the entire commercial, provided a logical explanation that answers and proves my thesis in the most part. The description of the material shown in the ad is very detailed and analysed in a way that supports the thesis. I have also provided an analysis and explanation on the specific use of context and colors chosen for the commercial, the meaning of each detailed chosen and why they were chosen.
3. How effective are my beginning and ending? Can I improve them?
They are quite effective since I started by giving a short explanation of what the company is to give the reader an idea of what the product is. Then I explained who was the usual target for this type of product followed by a preview of who the target is in this ad, this gives the reader an idea of the direction I want to go and how I stand regarding the meaning of the ad. I provide a few details and analyses that attract the reader and engage him/her to continue to read. Finally I make my statement that establishes my point of view and gives a strong idea of how the analysis will be presented.
4. Do I have a good title? Does it indicate what my subject is and hint at my thesis?
My first title did not and after the suggestions I understood that it did not provide a preview for the subject nor supported the thesis but instead promoted to company and the product. My second title on the other hand I believe is much stronger and not only provides a clear idea of my approach regarding the subject but also supports my thesis. I feel that my title is the beginning of a thesis without answering the “so what” question and I think excites the reader but does not give out too much information which can spoil the analysis.
Have I focused on my topic?
I would say In a way, I did focus on my topic because in my introduction I spoke about bullying the entire time. My ad is about people bullying physically and mentally. I spoke about known facts and research that I looked up. I explained how people go through bullying throughout the world everyday. As far as doing the correct type of ad that professor is looking for, I did not do that correctly.
Does my thesis make a clear statement about my topic?
No my. Thesis doesn't. When the possessor looked at my rough draft he didn't even get the thesis. So I would say no my thesis does not make a clear statement to my topic. It didn't because I didn't really explain my thesis as much.
Do I have enough supporting details, and are my examples the best ones that I can develop?
I have enough details but I don't have GOOD supporting details. When my teacher looked over my essay, he explained that it took me forever to get to the point and it was in the 3rd paragraph. But as far as details in my essay, there was too much to the fact that I missed my thesis and the main purpose for the essay.
Do I have a good title? Does it indicate what my subject is and hint at my thesis?
I totally think that my title is good. It describes the picture and also it has part of my title in the picture. My title is very powerful and it explains my essay.
Do i have a good title? Yes my title is good. It relates to the comparison that Campbell's is a better soup than Progresso. The constant persuasion in the ad will lead anyone to agree that 'Campbell's versus Progresso' is the best title for the ad. There are different titles that can be chosen for the ad but this title lets you know what you are going to encounter before you begin reading the essay. It indicates that the essay will be about the comparison and contrast of both soups and the overall analyzation of the ad. So i believe it is relevant.
2.Have i focused my topic? At first my essay was a little off and most of the sentences caused my readers to be confused. With a little revision and better wording I clarified my paragraphs better and made them make sense. My thesis was not really there, so I made changes to the intro of the essay and to some parts of the body. Using various techniques give to me by my professor, i was able to better analyze what i was trying to say in my topic sentence,my paragraphs and the overall meaning of my essay.
3.Do i have enough supporting details, and are my examples the best i can develop? I believe i have the best supporting details to better analyze my essay. It involves really looking at my essay and what is portrayed in it. Some of these details include gender,race, colors and gestures. The details were hard at first because the ad uses a subtle approach to convince change in their viewers. I included many of these examples in my essay. My major details were assisted by minor details and i think i did well in promoting that.
4.Is the organizational pattern i have used the best one, given my purpose? The first rough draft i did had terrible organization. Most of my major details and minor details were placed wrong and this caused my readers to question themselves and i got no feedback but confusion. I revised my essay and i organized it accordingly to my peers feedback. In order to accomplish this i used some techniques given to me by my professor and the website he gave us to further assist our essays. After revising my essay, i properly organized my essay, point by point to make sure the reader had a sense of flow and and understood what was the point of my essay.
2) Does my thesis make a clear statement about my topic?
My thesis; The advertisement uses Jessica Simpson and her testimonial to persuade teenagers that to be confident about ones image, the answer lays in Proactiv Solution. The thesis makes a clear statement about my topic, it is stating that through credibility and emotional appeals Proactiv Solution is influencing those who suffer from skin problems to buy their product because that is their solution. That it will build confidence and a high self-esteem. And if it worked for her, it can work for them as well.
4) Does the topic sentence of each paragraph relate to my thesis? Does each paragraph support its topic sentence? One of my topic sentence is; Appealing to her targets emotions, Jessica Simpson gives her testimony of how acne affected her and the solution she found to free herself from it. This sentence relates to my thesis because it is proving that the advertisement has used pathos to trigger emotions. The audience can relate to her experience and feel that if they use the product they can gain the confidence that she has. For the third paragraph, the topic sentence is also stating that ethos plays a role in the advertisement. That by the use of a celebrity, dermatologists, and well know magazine, they are using credibility to prove that their product is of best quality.
5) Do I have enough supporting details, and are my examples the best ones that I can develop? My supporting details and examples, to show how ethos and pathos are used in the advertisement, I believe are well developed. Explaining why each of the sources are used as credibility. I explained what each of the sources do to convince and reassure that Proactive is the solution. Showing how Proactiv is convince their target that their product can be trusted.
7) Do I have a good title? Does it indicate what my subject is and hints at my thesis? My title "Proactiv Solution, Building Self-Esteem; I believe is a good title that indicates my subject. I am describing what Proactiv Solution states to do, clear beautiful skin, and build confidence in ones look. That the advertisement uses ethos and pathos to encourage the audience to buy their product. Hinting that my thesis is based on what Proactiv uses to appeal to their target.
1.The topic of my essay was how the commercial persuades the audience through subliminal messages in the video. In my essay it clearly shows how I have analyzed each section of the commercial and point out the main aspects that trick people into believing this is their ideal car. I also explain how through those subliminal messages they are also adapting the minds of viewers as to what an average life should or does look like, thus creating ideal people that will buy the car just based on how stylish it looks. So yes I have focused on my topic.
2.Yes my thesis makes a clear statement, it lets the reader know what the essay will be talking about, how they used those tools in the ad and who the tools are meant for. The focal point of my essay was the use of fashion and style instead of facts to persuade the audience. My thesis clearly makes that statement and describes how it was executed. While also leaving a very broad description, giving me multiple areas of analysis instead of being subjected to one particular section.
5.I do not believe I have enough supporting details. In each paragraph I have listed a set amount of details relating to ethos, pathos, logos, and kairos. Although I have not been able to break them down enough to the point that they fully support the topic sentence of each paragraph. Therefore, my topics aren't fully supported or backed up by details. So therefore, my examples are not the best yet, all I would need to do if find a way to back them up so that there would be no way around the argument.
7.Yes my title is the best to my ability, my title gives a brief but very broad explanation of what this essay will be about and digs right down to the main subject. Although, not only does the title center itself on the entire focus of the essay but it also gives the reader an idea of what will be said in the thesis statement. The title along with the thesis statement explains the entire essay in the least detailed manner, while also informing the reader of how in depth the essay will become. It gives a small taste of info the reader is about to receive. Which brings curiosity to the readers mind, thus making them wanting to read more.
Marie Lavache...
1.Have you focused on your topic? I focused on my topic because in the commercial Nicki Minaj is selling her perfume.She feel as if whoever buys her perfume will be free, free to do whatever they may please.So in the essay I'm explaining more in detail what is trying to tell us.
2.Does my thesis statement make clear statement about the topic?Yes I believe so, my thesis statement say basically what the whole essay is about.The thesis statement makes you want to continue reading. My thesis statement talks about how everyone would like to be free.
3.Does my topic sentence of each paragraph relate to the thesis? Yes, the topic sentence of each paragraph is the continuation of the thesis.Does the topic sentence support the detail in the paragraph? Yes, the topic sentence is just the summary about the paragraph. It's just the supporting detail.The thing that will make the essay more exciting.
4.How effective is my beginning and my end?Can I improve them?If I can make my ending a bit stronger.If I can put more imagery and real life situation in this essay.This essay is effective but it's not as amazing as I want it to be.
1. Have I focused on my topic? My topic was about most recent Gamefly commercial and how it shows how a person can be amazing. I believe I am focused on my topic about Gamefly because I talk about the different aspects of the ad and how they relate to teenagers and adults as well. The ad shows how one can be amazing and nonchalant like the basketball star Blake Griffin, so I talked about that on my essay. I stayed on the topic and did not wonder off into another subject. Everything on my topic of "Being amazing by subscribing to Gamefly" was on point at all times.
2. Does the topic sentence of each paragraph relate to my thesis? Does each paragraph support its topic sentence? Yes, the topic sentence relates to my thesis because I kind of give a hint to my readers when I write my topic sentence. That way they have a clue of what they are going to be reading as well as linking it to my thesis. In each of my topic sentences I write a little sentence relating to my thesis so I can stay on topic. Doing this keeps my readers attention on my ad instead of the little details. Yes, my paragraph supports its topic sentence because I give many details as I explain my ad and what it is doing.
3.Do I have enough supporting details, and are my examples the best ones that I can develop? I would not say they are the best supporting details ever, but my supporting details do cover up any missing things the reader might question. They answer many things as well as provide further details for my thesis and topic sentence. For some of my paragraphs I used examples. I gave some detailed sentences about those examples too. So yes, I do believe i gave enough support in my essay to back other sentences up.
4.Do i have a good title? Does it indicate what my subject is and hint at my thesis? Yes, I believe my title "Be Amazing" is a good title. It catches most readers because in a way, who wouldn't want to be amazing? It does not indicate what my subject is, meaning the reader would have to read a bit more than the title to find out what I am talking about. Yet, it does give a hint on my thesis, which was how to be amazing, so most readers might of caught that too.
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